Product CatalogueWine and LiquorWhite WinesChardonnayCape Mentelle Marmaduke Chardonnay 750ml Back CAPE MENTELLE Cape Mentelle Marmaduke Chardonnay 750ml Product ID: Cape_Mentelle_Marmaduke_Chardonnay_750ml Brand: CAPE MENTELLE 2025-01-21 View or buy the Chardonnay White Wines - Cape Mentelle Marmaduke Chardonnay 750ml from CAPE MENTELLE to discover other options and shipping details. Description Back to White Wines - Chardonnay More Chardonnay and others in our range Wolf Blass Yellow Label Chardonnay 750ml Petes Pure Chardonnay 750ml Xanadu Reserve Chardonnay 750ml Churchview Estate The Bartondale Chardonnay 750ml Southern Light Vineyards Ghostgum Chardonnay 750ml Robert Oatley Signature Chard 750ml HOWARD PARK MIAMUP CHARD Churchview Est Chard 750ml Silent Noise CBF Chardonnay 750ml GOSSIPS CHARD